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♥There's no success without sacrifice, There should have no fighting among any of us in this world, I have my future, can I change my future? Accept other for others to accept you.♥

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kAcang lu, SarawaK, Malaysia
I'm Aziz for short Me is Me :D
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Personal taste a.k.a. Personal Preference

From all the drama that I watch, this drama is the most I like with the ending... :D

This is K-Drama also, all crazy about K-Drama now..ahahah
 Like usual, picture? here goes ..

 This Drama I like it damn much!! ahahah ....Seriously!
It's funny,romantic,sad,irritating,happiness OMG!! 
You must watch it..hahah .. sure you like it bah!! ahaha
Here the main actor ;

 He is Lee Min Ho i just know it from this drama though..

Here the actress;
 She's Son Ye Jin.. 

So what this story about??
(Lee Min Ho)Jeon Jin Ho is a straight guy who pretends to be gay in order to become (Son Ye Jin) Park Kae In's roommate. His hobbies include organization and ironing, and he’s known for his stoic poker face. He’s a stickler for cleanliness, but he also has a talent for figuring out a women’s feelings. Kae In is very trusting even though she has a habit of being betrayed. However that doesn't stop her from giving people the benefit of doubt and Jin Ho is no different. How will Kae In react when she finds out that her gay roommate is not actually gay at all and that he has fallen for her? 
This drama ending is much2 i like it... ahahah
Like always, watch it in youtube or viki, 
*viki (the video will only can be watch in certain area or region only) sadly not in Malaysia :'(

Hope You'll enjoy it :D
 That's how it is....
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